Sunday, June 19, 2011

Friday 6/17/11

The American Action Network/Forum used to share offices with Karl Rove's organization, American Crossroads. Consequently, mail is often delivered to the wrong location. I was elected the messenger and had to deliver a package to American Crossroads and pick up some mail for my the Network/Forum. What should have been a 5 minute walk became 20, due primarily to my lack of any sense of direction. I actually went through a metal detector and got past the security of the wrong building! I arrived and was hoping to meet Karl Rove, but he wasn't in.

I got tickets to see the Nationals, the MLB team for DC. Ben, another intern, and I went to see the game (vs. Orioles): it was the best seats I've ever had! We were 16 rows away from the dugout. And ... the Nationals won! I have to say, the food was such a rip off. Beer, which -- as a disclaimer -- I didn't drink, cost 9 dollars a can. Normally I would blame the Fed for rising prices, but in this situation, the food stands were taking advantage of us.

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