Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bottom of the Food Chain

The title senior meant  "big man on campus," the top of the social hierarchy. A week later, I have been quickly reminded that I am, once again, way, way, way at the bottom of the food chain.

Take for example the Medicaid Panel I attended yesterday. Luckily, I heard Senator Coburn (R-OK) and Senator Burr (R-NC) deliver the keynote addresses. After their remarks, I was asked to leave the room, and man the registration desk. Unfortunately I missed the rest of the discussion. I'm not complaining though: it's what's to be expected. Also, Chip, whose interning in DC at the Progressive Policy Institute (a very liberal think tank), gave me some company.

The rest of the day was pretty lax. I went to Five Guys for lunch, which was amazing, and then I had some hours in the afternoon off, so I explored DC, vising the Washington Monument, the WW2 Memorial, the National Mall, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Vietnam Memorial. Given the heat and my lack of fitness, a couple miles walking in the heat felt interminable at times -- I need to hit the gym; I guess. (Another gap year goal of mine is to get a 6 pack. Currently I have a case)

When I returned, I was given more grunt work. The American Action Network/Forum has an upcoming board meeting, so I had to collate and staple 100s of pieces of paper, which took some time. 

I'm loving the internship so far, but it's definitely humbling to be a freshman 1 week after graduating as a senior.

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