Thursday, June 23, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

The morning began with my first ever committee hearing! At 9 am, five other interns and I went to the Dirksen Senate Office Building to here Douglas Holtz-Eakin, our boss, testify before the Senate Finance Committee ( I had two big scares. First, I realized in the cab that I had left my ID in the office, but found out that it was not necessary for entrance into the building. Second, when we arrived, there was 50-75 person line -- members of the public, for whom the committee hearing was open. However, the interns and I were able to cut the entire line -- to the chagrin of the public -- and sit in the front row behind Doug, Bruce Vladeck, Gov. Fletcher (R-KY), and Gov. Patrick (D-MA).

I learned that senators do not have to be present at a given hearing. In attendance was Chairman Baucus (D-MT), ranking member Hatch (R-UT), Sen. Rockefeller (D-WV), Sen. Bingaman (D-NM), Sen. Wyden (D-OR), Sen. Nelson (D-FL), Sen. Carper (D-DE), Sen. Cardin (D-MD), Sen. Grassley (R-IA), Sen. Thune (R-SD), and Sen. Burr (R-NC). Interestingly, senators from both parties questioned primarily those testifying who shared similar political views. Consequently, Gov. Patrick spoke a lot, while Doug was asked very little. As with all things public on the Hill, it seemed the hearing was staged. Another intern confirmed that a lot of real work that happens in DC occurs during private bill mark-ups and committee hearings.

That afternoon, Chip and I had lunch to further plan upcoming ChrossTalk episodes. I continue requesting interviews with Washington luminaries. I've employed the fire-and-forget strategy. Cast as many queries as possible and hope that one person actually returns my call. I called Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse's office, trying to get an in by emphasizing that Chip and I both attend Brown, and that the podcast will be sponsored by the Brown Daily Herald. We'll see if the Senator's office ever returns my call.

This afternoon, I continued doing research for the primer and had to recycle all the old stationary for the Forum/Network's old address. I spent the last hour of my day working on an excel equation that plotted a commission-donation relationship for potential benefactors. My efforts were fruitless. What would have taken Doug -- a veritable economics genius -- five minutes, took us a failed hour.

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