Sunday, June 26, 2011

This weekend

First order of business: I finally figured out how to use my camera and have now uploaded photos to the appropriate posts. If you're at all interested, please look back at some other posts to see the photos I've taken.

For me, this weekend was all about being a tourist.

On Saturday, I visited the National Portrait Gallery. I could've spent hours there, but as I was limited on time, I decided to visit the President's exhibit, which was amazing. Part of Mr. White's US History class was studying portraits of American Presidents: the exhibit displayed many of these famous paintings. I was able to sneak a picture with the famous Gilbert Stuart portrait of Washington during his final days in office. I then took the DC Metro downtown to Ben's Chili Bowl, a DC landmark. As all tourists do, I ordered a Chili Half-Smoke. The meal was good, but I honestly don't understand all of the hype. That afternoon I played squash with Chip, and then went to a cook-out (that's what they're called in the South apparently) in Alexandria, VA. In a whimsical and impulsive moment, I had Chris give me a buzz-cut afterwards.
Today, Chris and Pete took me to the Florida Avenue Grill (another DC landmark), and I had my first taste of scrapple, which I thought was DELICIOUS. I took a quick bike ride through the FDR memorial (eh ...) and at 1 pm, I went to Result (the gym) and had my first league match. Unfortunately I lost in 3: I played an older guy, which means he wailed on the ball and hit crazy, unconventional shots. Suffice it to say, I was quite rattled. Tonight, I hosted a dinner party -- Weeds with Sausage -- at the boat.

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