Sunday, June 12, 2011

Books and internship

Two things ...

1. My gap year has officially started!! I spent 8+ hours on a train today, traveling from Kingston to DC. All I've learned so far is that I HATE Amtrak and by relation, the government. Excuse the rant, but yes, I'm pretty conservative (I'm priming you for the next 3 weeks). It makes sense that I'm annoyed by a government-run institution -- Amtrak -- and am working at a libertarian advocacy group.

2. One of my gap year goals is to read a book per week. I'm currently reading Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain. Please, please, please leave a comment recommending a book I should read ... I'd really appreciate it.

-- Tomorrow I'm buying a camera, so I'll have pictures in future posts.


  1. I have lots of books to recommend. For starters:

    Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. He is an author that always challenges boundaries of how to write fiction. Don't see the movie, which is coming out, before reading the book.

    Old School by Tobias Wolff. It's the story of his life in boarding school.. in his case it was The Hill School and he was a fish out of water. He is a great writer, as a boarding school grad yourself, you will recognize much of what he writes about the experience. He mentions some great teachers and I when I read it, it brought to mind Mr. Maddox, Mr. Goodyear, Mr. Gallagher, Mr. White and some others you have always admired.

  2. I just read God Says No, which was interesting, and I reviewed it on Facebook. ^ Also, Old School is written well.
