Friday, June 24, 2011


Today I worked on CHROSSTALK. All morning I designed and constructed the new website (, prepared questions for our afternoon interview, and researched talking points for the commentary Chip and I do.

I joined Pete and Justin Goodyear for lunch at Chef Geoff's. I had Justin's dad, Mr. Goodyear, during senior year, and it was really interesting to get to know the family better.

This afternoon, I went to the Progressive Policy Institute, and Chip and I interviewed Will Marshall. Chip then came back to the American Action Network/Forum to record the commentary for our podcast. In order to not distract the other interns in cubicles, Chip and I took a private office. Suffice it say, Chip and I got cross with each other! Our first podcast will most likely go public this Monday.

After work, I went to the National Archives to see the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. I was surprised at how faded the Declaration was. John Hancock's signature is virtually unrecognizable, less the curve of the lower j. Pete later told me that the document was pinned to a wall in front of sunlight for 50 years.

I returned to the boat, and took a quick sunset bike ride to the Jefferson Memorial. I forgot to bring a bike lock, but nevertheless enjoyed staring at the outside of the monument.

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