Friday, June 17, 2011

A Big Day

On Thursday morning, I went to the National Republican Club of Capitol Hill (Capitol Hill Club) to have breakfast. Never before have I been in a room with so many Washington luminaries ... it was pretty awesome. Midway through my bacon-and-eggs, a Rep. from Tennessee (I unfortunately don't remember his name), briefly joined our discussion: it's refreshing to hear politicians discuss contentious matter with content and analysis that extends beyond media soundbite and one sentence phrases. Also in the room was Rep. Herrera (R-WA) and Heather Wilson, who will likely win a 2012 US Senate seat in New Mexico.

After breakfast, I went to Rep. Rich Nugent's (R-FL) office. Though the "Sheriff" wasn't in, I talked with most of his staff. Coincidentally, we were in the Chief of Staff's office when Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) announced his resignation.

Interestingly, I read, later that day, a New York Post headline which read, "Obama beats Weiner."

I continued slogging through coding regulations. This job has taken me hours. If Ron Paul were President, it would have taken 20 minutes. In 2012 I'll be of age to vote: I'm sure you can guess which candidate I will not vote for.

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