Thursday, June 23, 2011

Holy crap

Yesterday, I again went to the Capitol Hill Club for breakfast. I was leisurely eating, staring out over the crowd to see if anyone recognizable was dining. Lo and behold, at around 9 am, in walked Michele Bachmann. At first I was incredulous, believing that I confused Rep. Bachmann with another, strikingly similar woman. She sat down at the table next to the bar -- where I was sitting -- and her distinctive Minnesotan accent confirmed that it was indeed Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), a Republican candidate for President in 2012. Unfortunately, I could neither approach her for a conversation nor ask for an interview, because that would have been inappropiate and out of place. As I have said before, Republican Reps go to the basement dining room of the Capitol Hill Club for the express purpose of avoiding picture-hungry gawkers like me. Alas, the moment will last only in my memories and not on iPhoto.

Later that morning, I went with Cameron, an employee at the American Action Forum to an event hosted by Resources for the Future, entitled "Energy Policy Symposium: Market Responses and the Effectiveness of Energy Policies." The conference was about the way in which government can nudge market forces to promote clean energy policies, rather than the normal doom-and-gloom Armageddon scenario one often associates with any discussions regarding the environment. The talks and panels were generally WAY over my head, but nevertheless, still interesting.

My brain was pretty fried after the symposium, but I continued doing research on the Fed primer I will be writing for the Forum (provided they deem it worthy of attaching their name to it).

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