Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Spottings and confidence

In DC, if you walk around and don't space out too much, you're bound to see famous government people. There are two types I have noticed while here: those who I should have heard of and those who I instantly recognize. Regarding the former, this happens often. I'll be walking with Pete and he'll point to somebody, explaining "That's Rep so-and-so, Chairman of the this-and-that committee." It happened for example with Krauthammer, who I had not heard of until before this internship. Normally it's cool, and I proceed with the tasks of the day. However, the latter is often more difficult, because failure to solicit someone I instantly recognize results in the missed opportunity for an interview. Please excuse any bragging connotations, but I while in DC I have shied away from soliciting 1) Michelle Bachman at breakfast 2) Roy Blunt walking with a staffer from his Senate office building 3) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in the metro (Chip's fault, not mine) 4) Janet Yellen at the Fed 5) David Axelrod entering the White house and 6) yesterday a sweaty Al Franken leaving the squash courts. Hope prevails! As they say, "7th time's a charm."

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