Friday, August 12, 2011

A little something stupid I co-wrote for the American Action Network

Quintessential Class: The Origins of Bow Tie Tuesday


We have often pondered the nature of the tie. Why is it expected in certain environments to hang a tailored piece of cloth from your neck? Perhaps that question is too existential. That is for the sages of yore and the scholars of now to discuss. We have not reached that level of thought… yet.

But, we have experienced several levels of dress, while interning in Washington, the District of Colombia. We have come to one conclusion from our time in this city on a hill.

What is classier than a bow tie?

The short answer is nothing. Perhaps a bow tie coupled with a cumber bund, but there may be such a thing as too classy.

There is a myth called Bow Tie Tuesday. Some say it doesn’t exist, but we are here to tell you that it does and it is growing. Tuesday used to be a day without anything to look forward too, until now. Bow Ties. Real ones. Everywhere. Every Tuesday. That is our dream and we will fight for it until the end of time.

To date, three interns have embraced the idea of Bow Tie Tuesday. We are reminded of Star Wars as an appropriate allegory at this time. Forces of good exist and they perpetually war against the forces of evil (aka Han). However, the forces of good, seem to be gaining momentum as a fourth person, an employee no less, has pledged to take part in next week’s Bow Tie Tuesday.

Change can be slow and often cumbersome. But, we will not rest until the bow tie has won.

If we don’t fight, who will?

By Ben Gitis, Mark Bednar, and Ross Freiman-Mendel

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