Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Got my permit

The line at the Cranston DMV
Equipped with 3 hours of cram studying, I woke up bright and early to go to the Cranston DMV to take my permit test. I had heard the horror stories, tales of government bureaucrats, incessant lines, and the effects of budget cuts apparent everywhere. To our dismay, my dad and I arrived 10 minutes before the DMV opened, and there was a 1/4 mile long line. To quote the great Ned Gallagher, I thought "ah fag-ga-gaad." Surprisingly, once the doors opened, employees ushered in the entire line and the process was painless from there. The employees were respectful, but more important, efficient. I got in, took a number, waited in line for 30 minutes, was processed, waited in line for another 30 minutes, took the test, passed, waited in line for another 20 minutes, took my picture and then went to Whole Foods. Here's the scary part (though loyal viewers, you need not be scared). I have no idea how to drive, but I can legally take a Hummer, for example, and cruise down the highway. Unfortunately my parents won't take me unless I'm a good driver, so I now I have to get lessons, learn to drive a stick, and pass my driving test on October 18th. We'll see if that's possible. My only hope -- our two cars, a Mini and a Wrangler, are idiot-proof when it comes to parallel parking. Just remember, when the car starts hydroplaning, don't slam on the breaks. I unfortunately learned that after I took the test.

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