Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Preparation for "The Cleanse"

Please excuse the tardiness between posts. I just returned from DC. Last week, my Mom and I collectively agreed that we're going to do a three day cleanse. The idea was completely spontaneous, but probably necessary. I need a cleanse more than my mom does. I could lose some weight. I need a six-pack. I probably could afford to eat slightly healthier, having lived in the land of Five Guys for the entire summer. Beginning on Thursday, my Mom and I will go more intense than vegan.

Here are the rules of the cleanse:

1. The cleanse shall last for three days -- no more, no less.

2. Only fruit and vegetables allowed. No meat, eggs, bread, bagels, butter, hamburgers, hotdogs, and pasta. Include any and all other foods that you hold near and dear to your heart.

3. The food need not be raw. If compelled to sex up the food, please do so for the sake of sanity.

When I get hungry, I get upset. The running joke in the family is that I'll have to lock myself in my room to avoid flipping out at people. I'm totally obsessed with food. With the exception of a few Fox/Bravo game shows, I am devoted to the FoodNetwork. I should also mention that I've attempted cleanses in the past to no avail; my record is one day with a lapse for an after-dinner snack. As a testament to my obsession with food, I am genuinely scared. Without squash, I'm certain I'd be another obesity statistic. I have gone thunderous in the past and danger always lurks. Let's hope I last and emerge with a willingness to eat healthier foods. After all, I need to jump into the dating scene some day... 

I will give daily updates tracking my increasing desperation. God speed!

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