Friday, August 5, 2011

A mini Choate reunion

Last night, Chip, Serena Elavia, CJ Bell, and I went to Founding Farmers to have a nice meal before all of them left DC for the summer (I still have one more week). It was so nice to reconnect with old friends -- Serena and CJ primarily, as I see Chip almost every day -- and do it over a very nice meal. We went wild with the menu: crispy fried green tomatoes, Prince Edward Island mussels with chorizo, bacon lollipops, flat breads, crab cakes, pastas, shrimp-and-grits, and the list goes on. The meal was absolutely delicious, if not a bit superfluous. Choate afforded us a level of intimate conversation, a consequence of over 3 years of a unique, shared experience. It was nice to reconnect with Choate, even if it was only a couple months after graduation.

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