Thursday, July 14, 2011

La Fortuna

John's helmet can't be safe ...
Costa Rica is AMAZING. John, Jimmy, Gabe, and I are in country right in the middle of the rain forest. We took a 3.5 hour ride from San Jose to La Fortuna: we're staying at the Tabacon, a beautiful hotel at the base of the Arenal volcano. By day, we adventure in the rain forest; by night, we relax in the natural hot springs heated by the underground lava of the Arenal volcano.

Day 1: We arrived at the Tabacon, dropped off our bags, and got in the tourist bus to go repelling. It's rainy season in Costa Rica, so we had to wear bathing suits in anticipation of a torrential downpour, which happened. Rappelling/canyoning was amazing. We either went down 100+ foot rock faces or bounced in and out of waterfalls. The only hiccup per se was that on the second of five rappells, my tevas broke, and I was in the middle of expletive all nowhere in the rain forest with only one shoe. Luckily the tour guide lent me one of his shoes, so I was good on the rappels. I did however have to hike for 20 minutes out of the canyon shoeless.

Day 2: We went rafting on class 3 rapids. Though Gabe (who is with me here writing) would disagree, I'm convinced that as paddlers we're made to feel consequential, when in fact we're helplessly at the mercy of the rapids. Point in case, we hit a rock wall and almost flipped. As I'm a terrible rowing partner, I learned later that I used John to break my fall, but in doing so, inadvertently drowned him for a couple of seconds. Other than being one with nature, we got to do some cliff jumping.

I've had a couple of existential moments in Costa Rica: those one with the planet, awesomeness of nature and insignificance of man type things ... but then I got over myself.

During the afternoon, all four of us relax in the naturally heated hot springs, which are profoundly relaxing. Today, we almost got hit by lightning -- no big deal. As we're in a third world country, the safety standards are slightly lower. Though it was aggressively thundering and periodically lighting, all the guests stayed in the water. I think I'm stronger and wiser for it though. Pura vida!

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