Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gather all Jews (discussed later in the post)

Standing ovation for Wasserman-Schultz
ChrossTalk has progressed swimmingly. Currently, we have about 70 subscribers. Chip and I would like to have 100 subscribers by August 2: while the United States descends into chaos, ChrossTalk shall flourish! As I am in charge of subscriptions, I implore you to please subscribe at www.chrosstalk.wordpress.com. Chip keenly realized that in order to boost our site traffic, we had to increase the content on our site. Thus we introduced a new segment, called "The Talk," where we debate issues in a manner similar to The Conversation in the NYT (http://chrosstalk.wordpress.com/2011/07/22/the-talk-the-cut-cap-and-balance-gang/). We are also working on an Amicus Brief section, where we invite policy experts to write brief analyses of an issue on which they have expertise. Today we received excellent news -- Charles Krauthammer confirmed an interview for Friday. And to add to the excellent news, Chip and I finally purchased a microphone to improve our sound quality.

ChrossTalk has surprisingly proven itself to be one of my most passionate (and increasingly time-consuming) activities. It's been an absolute pleasure working with Chip, though we often don't see eye-to-eye. You could say he and I get cross with each other, which in some way is the nature of our relationship (disclaimer ... I wouldn't have it any other way). If it weren't for the pages ad infinitum of transcript and vulgar language, I'd love to post our G-chat conversations.

Being back at the Network/Forum is awesome. It's great to see all of my friends -- better yet, mega uber conservative like-minded friends -- again. In addition to ChrossTalk, Pete is having me catalog and organize a list of Florida donors that the Forum will presumably hit up in the future. It will be very difficult to finish, because there are 7013 rows to sort through. At least Republicans are generous. Tonight, I attended, on behalf of the Network/Forum, the AIPAC Summer Seminar Series (http://www.clotureclub.com/2011/07/aipac-middle-east-event-w-rep-wasserman-schultz-rep-cantor/) to see House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Chair of the DNC Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) speak on strengthening US/Israeli relations. As with many events in Washington, the speeches were shallow and pre-packaged, but well worth the opportunity to see these Representatives in the flesh. Cantor, in particular, is a like a government idol of mine, because not only is he the Majority Leader of the House, he's also a Jew!

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