Friday, July 29, 2011

Charles Krauthammer, part deux

Chip and I interviewed Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer for ChrossTalk today. It was the second time I have met with him while working at the American Action Network/Forum. We think (and hope) that this interview will be one of our big breaks -- someone who has instant name recognition and is at the forefront of US politics. I must admit I was concerned about Chip before the interview. Chip is an outspoken liberal, and Charles Krauthammer, let's just say, is not. But with confidence and respect, Chip asked Krauthammer tough liberal questions. I don't think Krauthammer dissuaded Chip of his convictions. For me, Krauthammer was preaching to the choir. I almost always agree with his columns. I sometimes wonder what if he had a one-on-one debate with President Obama: I just can't imagine how he would lose. Anyway, the interview went well, and he was gracious enough to answer all of our questions, which meant we were there for over an hour. In order to get some publicity, we asked a topical question about the debt ceiling, which we will release tomorrow. For me, this meeting was quintessentially what interning in DC has been about. Yes, I have been assigned some grunt work, and yes, I have retrieved my fair share of coffee, but only by being in DC was I able to meet with and schedule an interview with Charles Krauthammer. Those opportunities have been invaluable.

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