Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Costa Rica

Today Jimmy, John, and I woke up bright and early and travelled to the Bush Houston International Airport. Never has traveling been so effortless and uneventful. Security was fast but respectful, and our gate was very close. John and I sat in row 31. Ironically, Jimmy's mom had changed his seat to row 11 and asked my mom to change my seat as well. Because my mom didn't have my passport number at the time, she couldn't. When I went online to confirm my flight, I noticed there was an empty seat next to me. John, who had been sitting by himself, impulsively booked the seat only to learn later that he had stolen Jimmy's -- poor communication on our parts. On the plane, John and I somehow had an empty seat between us, so we, nay I, was able to stretch my legs.

Costa Rica is a third world country and apparently I have broken many of the "don't do common sense" rules. I wore seersucker shorts with a palm tree print, a Williams Squash t-shirt, and screamed "what's up bro" to Gabe when I saw him: nothing bad has happened yet though. If anything, driving revealed that the country is super lush but has very poor infrastructure re: roads. At Gabe's house, we had arroz con pollos for lunch, and then went to the mall to pick up some last minute forgotten items. For dinner, we had delicious fish tacos. A book I read sophomore year describes my stomach's current state best: "I've had an elegant sufficiency; any more would be superfluity."

Gabe is the new addition to our group. John, Jimmy, and I have been getting along swimmingly, excluding minor tussles here and there. Then again, we are spending 15+ hours of face time with each other, so that's to be expected. We're all good enough friends though that we can fight for 2 minutes and make up right afterwards.

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