Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The 4th and a virus

It has been great seeing my family and playing squash with Charis. In Newport, three college squash players -- Bowdoin, Cornell, UPenn -- are staying for various reasons, and consequently, I have been able to play really quality squash with them (or should I say get my ass kicked).

The man, the myth, the legend ... David Black (and my Dad)
For the 4th (which we did on the 3rd to avoid traffic), my family and I went to Stonington to celebrate, as we do annually, with my godfather, his wife, and their friends. I've thinking of a way to properly express the character that is David Black, and I thought of it recently. For his first marriage, David married a Cabot, a wealthy Boston family, whose best described by a poem: "And this is good old Boston, / The home of the bean and the cod, / Where the Lowells talk only to Cabots, / And the Cabots talk only to God." A Jew, David offer the following toast at his wedding reception: "And this is good old Boston, / The home of the bean and the cod, / Where the Lowells talk only to Cabots, / And the Cabots speak yiddish by God." I'm not sure how that was received by a generally waspy audience.

Chip and I have been plugging away on ChrossTalk and are proud to announce that we've booked interviews for all of July and much of August. We were also ecstatic to find out that we're officially googlable, and our website is the first hit to appear!

In other news, I have a virus and have been sick for the last three days. I'm hoping that I'll be better by Thursday, because I'm taking a plane to Houston to see John Webber.

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