Saturday, June 30, 2012


 Fussen is without a doubt the most enjoyable town we visited in Germany. At the foot of the alps, Fussen is the perfect place to combine culture and fitness, the latter of which is especially important given the sheer levels of caloric schnitzles and steins Gabe and I have consumed.

We arrived in Fuusen midday, and dropped our bags off at the HOUSE LA HOSTEL, which was clean, cheap, friendy, and well located ... What more could you ask for at 15 Euros per bed! As with most who visit Fussen, Gabe and I planned to visit and tour the famous Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau Castles. We elected to walk the 6 km there and back (12 total for the mathematically disinclined) through wooded forests. The castles were amazing; even crazy King Ludwig II understood the importance of location, location, location. Gabe and I first hiked to Hohenschwangau, but chose to pass on the tour, and then we hiked up to Marienbrucke, a bridge suspended 100s of feet in the air that affords onlookers postcard perfect pictures of Neuschwanstien. After snapping a few pics (and imagining the opening scenes to Final Destination 6), we toured the inside of the castle which was both interesting and informative. Quick disclaimer: Trip Adviser claims 2hrs lines, but Gabe and I waited behind no one. Later that evening, we had Italian and walked around the historic alstadt.

The following morning, Gabe and I rented bikes, and did the 32km circuit around the large Forgensee River ... Absolutely incredible. Aside from feeling badass for having the fitness and wherewithal to self navigate at times unclear paths and markers, the views were a nonstop flow of Alpinic scenery -- glacial lakes, flowing pastures, and jagged tree studded mountains. We even stopped for a few minutes to swim in one of the lakes, and after hoofing it back to Fussen, we made a final picnic at the hostel with views of Neuschwanstein in the distance. Living the life!

To my list of people met, we now know:
- "Tennessee Jr."
- "Tennessee Sr."

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