Friday, June 29, 2012


To begin, let's add to the list of people Gabe and I have met, by our unique naming system, of course. At the Wombat's Hostel, we had the pleasure of meeting and bunking with:

- "North Carolina," a 31 year old charter school teacher from ... North Carolina
- "William and Mary," North Carolina's 23 year old colleague
- Taylor and Paul, two 18 year old just graduated student of the aforementioned individuals
- "Aussie," a 20 year old aerodynamic engineer from Australia
- "Annada," 22 year old Anna from Canada

More to come on the social part in a bit...

Gabe and I arrived in Munich at around 12pm, and after quickly dropping off our bags at Wombat's, we hit the streets, walking from the Hautbanhof, through Marien Platz, and eventually to Englishergarden, a 1000 acre Cental Park-esq nature preserve in the heart of Munich. Given the size, Gabe and I explored for almost 3 hours, which included swimming in the many rivers, seeking out the tourist landmarks (Chinese Tower), and of course, lake-side libations.

In an act of impulsivity and at the recommendation of Gabe, we went to the HAUS DER KUNST MUSEUM to observe modern art from the Goetz Collection of Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller. The whole point of the exhibit was to mess with your senses, and to say the least, Gabe and I were thoroughly mind-f**ked after such works as "The Killing Machine." From the handout:

"The art strives deliberately for an impact upon the senses, especially upon the sense of hearing. They repeatedly encapsulate the viewer in detachment from his surroundings, literally absorb him into themselves, then thrust him into absurd narratives which come to no logical conclusion. He himself is assigned roles which he does not fully comprehend."

Pretty legit, right! After an hour of R&R back at Wombats, we went to the role famous Hofbrau Haus. That evening, we watched Italy defeat Germany at Wombats, and the stayed up until 4am, socializing with our new Munchen posse, shooting the shit and talking everything from Obamacare, Communist containment, and many less consequential things.

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