Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Logan to Reykjavik, to Paris, to Giverny, to Honfleur

So the European adventure has begun! After an effortless, almost too easy, no nonsense flight from Logan to Reykjavik (landed at 12am for midnight sun), we left for a 6am arrival into Paris, from where we immediately dparted directly to Giverny, the sight of Claude Monet's home. By the pure coincidence of jetlag and timezone, we were energized enough to arrive promptly when the doors opened, affording our family the opportunity to explore Monet's gardens, his lily pond, and home SANS (see how much I've picked up already) hordes of tourist. Please note that the entire site's signs are ascribed in French and Japanese? When we left Giverny, we, oh lucky we, saw five tour buses headed in the opposite direction. For the next few hours, I had the opportunity to see how the French drive ... In close proximity, fast, and aggressive. To say we encountered one or two dicey situations with me at the helm would be an understatement. That night, we arrived and slept in Honfleur, a pictureseque and quaint small town where the Siene meets the English Chanel. At that point, we were so unbelievably blown out, experiencing the gorgeous town as mindless sightseeing automatons. I can report so far that in France the wine is less alcholic and the coffee less caffeinated, but both more flavorful. More from Normandy soon (for history buffs reading this, what is significant about the day we're visiting ... June 6), and oh year, GO SCOTT WALKER!

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