Monday, June 11, 2012

Chenenceaux and Vouvrey

 This trip has proved an exhaustive tour of France, its food and culture. I have the impression that most American's visit Paris and the Riviera; however, with the exception of Normandy, we have run into very few english speaking individuals, which has been a total joy. As we jump from region to region, I've done my best to learn about each one's unique charm. That being said, we used our 1.5 days in the Loire to explore chateaux's and drink a lot of wine.

Early in the am, we headed to Chateau Chenenceaux, one of the most famous in the Loire. I can report that Chenenceaux and its gardens are brilliant; however, having lived in Newport, the notion of visiting a "mansion" is not ground breaking -- that seemed to be the consensus of the family. We made a picnic in the Chateux's gardens, sampling for the first time one of the regions's specialties ... rilletes, aka fattening and delicous pork.

That afternoon, per the recommendation of Rickey Stevey, we went on a wine tour and tasting in Vouvrey. The tour guide spoke little English, and though we comprehended almost nothing he said, the opportunity to explore the cellers, and marvel at wine aged as old as 1872, was really unique. Afterwards, we did a tasting, including a red wine, white wine, and dessert wine. I have to say personally, I'm into white. Off to the Dordogne, the land of foie gras!

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