Sunday, July 1, 2012

En route to St. Gallen

 All travel by definition cannot be smooth and seamless -- things go wrong, punctuality goes at the window, and chaos, albeit fun chaos, ensues. For Gabe and me, what should have been a smooth journey from Fussen to St. Gallen proved quite the ordeal.

After our 32km bike ride, Gabe and I made a picnic, and allowed ourselves 20 minutes to arrive at the train station. With our bags packed, we checked out, and Gabe asked me, "where did you put the bike key," to which I responded, "oh, was that my responsibility?" Now to be clear, the small key, which would unlock our two bikes joined together, was in fact my responsibility. And like an idiot, I just forget about it ... somewhere. After panicking briefly, we elected to forget about the lock, and carry the bikes, but given how tightly we locked them, we had to physically lift the bikes. This ultimately fruitless effort lasted 20 feet, at which point we elected to miss our train, and give ourselves another hour to find the lock.

We searched desperately through House LA, and only after admitting defeat did Gabe remember where I last left the key. Lo and behold, we found the key in the basement, and hoofed it to the train station. After further libations and even an ice cream break, we began a long, BOILING journey to St. Gallen (no airconditioning in trains).

As an unsuspecting tourists planning this trip, I assumed that the direct route Google Map provided would in fact be the route we take once actually in Europe ... NEIN. Collectively, we had five transfers:

1) Fussen to Kaufbeuren
2) Kaufbeuren to Lindau
3) Lindau to Bregenz
4) Bregenz to St. Magarthine
5) St. Magartine to St. Gallen
... 6) At this point, trained out, we took a cab from St. Gallen to Buhler, where our hotel, the lovely LANDGASTHAUS STERNEN, was located.

For the theme song of this leg of our journey, please watch the following video from the DARJEELING LIMITED:

And depsite all of this, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and would trade it for nothing.

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