Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dijon (as in the mustard)

Amazing food market, which we could desperately use in US
 Despite our hopes, the weather in the Jungfrau never cleared and the forecast/on site weather cameras revealed that the entire area was blanketed in clouds, rendering the hike not doable ... or at least worth the time and effort. In the spirit of flexibility -- which has now become a theme -- we decided to go northwest to Dijon, a smallish city in Burgundy. As with many of the places we've visited, Dijon is a really lovely town, with excellent food, wine, and architecture.

After deciding to divert to Dijon, we needed to find a place to stay. Both and Trip Adviser both revealed the only hostel was 30 minutes outside of town by infrequent bus and had a mental institution-esq air about it. Instead, Gabe and I stayed at a hotel, the KYRIAD DIJON -- a nice, clean French chain, which, when the price was divided by two, equalled about the cost of a hostel. After spending the last few weeks in hostels, we felt like Kings in the castle at our humble Kyriad. The only and really major downside was the social aspect, as we didn't have people our own age around us with which to socialize.

Because we arrived in the early evening, Gabe and I settled in and walked through the town. We found an English speaking movie theater, and decided to watch TO ROME WITH LOVE, which in retrospect I can tell you, is the most stupid Allen film I have ever seen (one problem was that there are five story lines, two of which are completely in Italian, and were subtitled in French, and Gabe and I had no idea what was going on).

The following morning, we slept in, and then went on "owl tour," an owl marked path throughout the city that essentially brings you to every major tourist site within a few hours. Along the way, we stopped at the Dijon market, and spent quite a bit of time exploring, sampling foods along the way. Even the US farmers market doesn't compare! We also bought some specialty mustard, unable to resist our touristic impulses.

In the afternoon, we went to the Fine Arts Museum but were disappointed to find out that the major site, the tombs of the dukes of Burgundy, were closed off due to renovations. We still made our way through the museum, finding time afterwards to people watch at a cafe. We had another marathon dinner at the TA recommended LE BOUCHON DE PALAIS before retiring to bed and bidding farewell to Dijon the following morning.

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