Friday, September 2, 2011

My new idea/free ChrossTalk press

Somehow and someway, by the end of this year (preferably before Christmas) I hope to get an Op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal. I read the WSJ op-ed section religiously and have had some good ideas worth writing about. Peggy Noonan may be smarter than I, Shelby Steele more eloquent, but neither is 18, and that shall be my hook. Regardless of the content, I'm hoping to capitalize on my youth to get published. Considering that the fiscal health of future generations is a huge talking point on the Hill, I think there's a chance that the WSJ will publish my article provided it's thoughtful and personal (obviously easier said than done). This may just be another quixotic dream to be quickly tempered by reality. We'll have to see.

... ps I created a personal twitter account. Please follow me @rossfm16

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