Friday, September 16, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Here's a letter to the editor that I wrote to the Wall Street Journal. Let's hope it get's published!

"Occasionally, there’s an event so cataclysmic that we’re forced to revisit guarded assumptions. For better or worse, the United States embraced government manipulation of the business cycle during and after the Great Depression. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, a nation committed to neutrality plunged itself into a world war. And now, the Palestinian Authority has sought recognition of statehood from the UN.

Though Rick Perry acknowledges Israel’s dilemma in his 9/16 Op-ed, The US Must Support Israel At The UN, he forgets to consider the efficacy of the UN and the strategic advantages it offers the United States. We’re all familiar with the Farewell Address, in which George Washington advised that we “steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world,” yet we’ve failed to heed his sound and even clairvoyant warning. Under the guise of the international community, the UN undermines our sovereignty, subverts the safety of our greatest ally in the Middle East, and incurs a hefty opportunity cost in annual dues. More on Capitol Hill should begin to question the strategic value of participation in the UN."

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