Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ron Paul Town Hall, 18 April 2012

To begin, here are the striking differences from the Romney town hall:
  • Huge venue; 1000s piled into the Keaney Gymnasium at URI
  • Predominately young people
  • Crazy, uncontrollable crowd, chanting at times "President Paul," "End the Fed," and "NoObama"
  • No metal scanners, secret service in the audience, etc. For an event with 1000s, I spotted three uniformed Rhode Island police offers
In person, Ron Paul is incredibly cogent. I assume that his positions necessitate more that 60 second responses, which explains muddled debate performances. Barry introduced the man who eventually introduced Paul, but I think it was excellent exposure for him. Despite the fact that I had to rsvp for tickets and there was a huge line, my Dad and I literally just walked in upon arrival, with no regards for the 100s behind us. Though I've been away from DC for quite some time, the Rhode Island primary has reignited a lot of my interest in politics, allowing me to participate in our democratic system. It sounds lame, but for a politics junkie, it has been really exciting!

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