Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mitt Romney Town Hall, 11 April 2012

Attending the Romney event stemmed from a series of serendipitous and lucky breaks. The morning of April 11, I, by complete coincidence, happened to turn on the radio when Fox news briefly mentioned that Romney would be in Warwick -- until then, I didn't even know Rhode Island was on his radar. By additional coincidence, Romney became the presumptive that day, adding to the excitement. All the RhodySquash parents were punctual at pickup, and I rushed to Warwick after practice, dismayed to find 100s in line 45 minutes before the event started. Romney clearly has serious security; all bags were hand checked, each attendee had to go through a metal detector, and once the event started, Secret Service navigated through the crowd constantly. On line, I met a lovely lady named Diane, and we socialized for 90 minutes, waiting for a coveted seat. Again, by pure coincidence, we were the last allowed entrance, while 100s behind us were turned away. In person, Romney is much more engaging, energizing, lucid ... and tall. The town hall itself was brief, with most of the time reserved for questions.

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