Sunday, December 18, 2011

John visits, part ii

Though we split up for one day (John had to attend a funeral, unfortunately), we met up again Saturday night in Providence. Having conquered my fear of "the hill," we journeyed up to Brown to pick up John's friend Penny, a freshman at Brown. Together we all had a lovely dinner at Al Forno. Penny had a salad and eggplant; John and I, ordering without regard to price or money spent in New York, ordered baked pasta and the steak. To say we were shocked when we received our portion of the check would be an understatement.

Sunday was pretty lax. I taught John to drive a stick shift in the morning, we took a court tennis lesson in the afternoon, and had dinner with a RhodySquash board member that night. We shot the sh*t until Monday, at which point I dropped him off at TF Green to head to grand ol' Tejas.

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