Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dinner with India

En route to Philadelphia, the family stopped in New York City for the night. With the knowledge that most of my friends would be home for Hanukkah break, I phoned India to have dinner. We met at Serafina, and as with most meals with Choaties, we reminisced, discussed college, and shared our profoundly vague plans for the future! One of the nice things about seeing my peers periodically is that my day-to-day encounters are with adults at least two decades older than I. While fun, it's always well worth the time and effort to meet up with someone my own age. By no means have I tried to live vicariously through their college experience; on the contrary, breaking my/the education cycle has been one of the best and most useful decisions to date (an appropriate explanation of "why?" will be written at the end of my year as I reflect).

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