Friday, October 14, 2011

This weekend and OWS

For the next two days, we're hosting tryouts for 30 returning kids; That's 8 hours of squash in one weekend! Rejection in the abstract is easy; selecting only eight students will be difficult. But after this weekend, I'll finally get to work with some kids and abandon the abstract. A detailed description of a day in the life will follow soon.

WARNING ... Political hyper-conservative rant below (Maddox beware)

Assuming a massive economic paradigm shift comes in the following years, I'd like to go on record before s**t hits the fan. To begin, I think the Occupy Wall Street protests are lame. Joblessness is a consequence of the individual. Since when did the state become responsible for creating opportunity and prosperity? Not only does the government claim to know what's best for my life, said government achieves that vision through the use of force. Politics is all cost-benefit analysis. Take the Romney/Perry exchanges. Mitt slams Rick over child healthcare. In Massachusetts, he says, <1% of children are uninsured but in big ol' Texas >20% are uninsured. True to character, Perry stands there like a dunce and rambles. How about saying Massachusetts is in fiscal shambles on the verge of bankruptcy while Texas stands with comparatively stable footing. Socially optimal outcomes would be great if only we could afford them. But back to OWS. Once again, the liberal media establishment paints a romantic picture of this organic, non-partisan movement. Ya right! We have a liberal tea party on our hands, defaming public property, displaying anti-Semitic signs, etc. At least the Tea Party got 50+ members elected to Congress. OWS will go nowhere.

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