Monday, October 24, 2011

A lovely weekend in Boston!

Photo courtesy of Gail
Armed with a driver's license, I headed to Boston to see the Head of the Charles. I was lucky enough to stay with Gail, my Mom's best friend from childhood. Gail met me at Back Bay, and we quickly went to Cambridge. For some reason, I expected to see 1000s of people; it seemed there were less (contrary to what the pictures suggest). However, Gail and I headed to the Reunion Village, hoping to see some Choate friends and faculty. Gail can attest; for the tuition, the Choate tent proved profoundly disappointing. Even Deerfield offered Dunkin! The Charles itself was spectacular. Reunion Village lies between the Weeks and Andersen Bridges, the most precarious straight of the course. You may remember that a Chinese boat crashed and sank at that point last year. We witnessed some world class crew, and I've been inspired to try intramural rowing next Fall. Alex Brake, my Latin buddy, joined us for a while, before Gail and I left to work out. That night, we ate at a great Japanese restaurant called FuGakYu (chuckle, chuckle). Exhausted and exposed, Gail and I hit the hay pretty early. The next morning, Gail and I had breakfast and shopped, after which we bid farewell, and I took the lonely ride home.

The experience was great; but I'm with Gail on Boston. I've checked it off of my "to live" list, ever mindful that it has an incredibly unfavorable tax structure.

Photo courtesy of Gail

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