Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hiring woes

Everything re: RhodySquash was coasting. Over 30 kids signed up for a second round of tryouts, funding continued/s to stream, and we had an article published in Newport This Week, a welcome and first form of press. Muphy's law wound not take hold; it couldn't. But because I'm an 18 year old male working with 5th-7th grade students, many of whom are young girls, it is a liability for me to work with kids alone (there was no way to make this sentence not sound slightly creepy). RhodySquash is a still young organization. We have volunteers, but not a volunteer infrastructure that can reliably provide a second person to aid me at practice every day we need them. We collectively decided to hire a part time "Academic Adviser," who would be compelled to show because his/her modest salary (a volunteer is only compelled by his/her conscious). We advertised on Craigslist, interviewed the candidates, and reviewed their qualification. I thought I had found the perfect "Academic Adviser" to learn that a week before practices start, she won't return my calls or emails. She was so gung-ho. What happened? So we're at square one. Updates will follow; expect a link to our site with the bio of the person we eventually hire.

I tried to make polenta with mushroom ragu for dinner. It was literally inedible. After having made pork belly, multiple ragus, shepherd's pie, and caponata, I think I'll heed my Dad's advice and start cooking simple items. Roast chicken sounds good.

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