Monday, May 14, 2012

Wisdom teeth removal

My stem cells are viable ... that's all you need to know. Let me explain. For the past few weeks, my mouth had been hurting me. Deep down I knew I had an issue, but was in profound denial. When I finally told my parents, the Xray revealed that all four -- not one, not even 2.5 -- but all four wisdom teeth were impacted, and it became clear they had to go! I traveled to NYC for the procedure.

Here's the best way to describe my experience: colonoscopy for teenagers. To a normal minded, non- anesthetized individual, the actual surgery would be unpleasant; who wants to get their teeth yanked out? But, after some Valium, Local, and Nitrous Oxide, the procedure itself was joyous. While my memory fails me, I'm told that I belted opera, lectured on Judaism, bit the dentist, flirted with the assistant, and cursed like a truck driver. Regarding stem cells, we made the informed decision to save the pulp from my removed teeth, so that we can store the stem cells they contain (knock on wood that I won't have to use them ...)

After all the drugs wore off, the pain began, and I became unbearable, which is to say, I was not a trooper, even on Lodine and Percocet.

Unfortunately, I looked like a gargoyle for a days to follow, but I am now proud to report that I am without wisdom teeth, eating semi-soft food, and average looking as ever!

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