Thursday, February 16, 2012

Clinic with St. George's

was easily the highlight of the RhodySquash season thus far! On Monday, February 13, the whole team ventured to Middletown to do a clinic with the Boys Varsity team. After a quick warmup, each RhodySquasher paired with two SG coaches. The whole team thoroughly enjoyed playing with a practicing, prep school team, and for many of our students who aspire to apply to private high school, this clinic was an opportunity to practice in such a setting.

After 90 minutes of squash, the entire St. George’s team graciously offered to take the RhodySquashers on a tour of their stunning campus. The evening finished with a team meal in the St. George’s dining hall. We are proud to report that every member of the RhodySquash team had some green on their plate and no more than one piece of dessert! Having spent this year eating way too many eggs, pasta, and fruit bowls, dining hall food has never tasted so good.

Events like these are crucial in terms of enrichment and keeping the RhodySquasher's eye on the prize. I aim to organize at least one event like this every month, and having written this post, I can confirm that the kid's sense of purpose has since been renewed. With all that said, it would be amazing if RhodySquash could move our entire program to St. George's, which I'm in the process of organizing. The Board of Trustees meets next Friday, February 24. Please keep your fingers crossed!

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